Thursday, August 07, 2008

A Revelation!!

This morning I got to spend some much needed time with my Husband and son. Family Time!! The past few nights Kirk has been helping out some friends lead worship at our former churches summer camp so that meant he was gone in the evening. Also meaning no time with Elijah when he got home. Bummer for him, and coming home to a barely there wife, since I was obviously asleep by 9:30pm!! So this morning after he got ready he tells me, I'm staying home this morning. Yay!! So I quickly got ready and we walked down to Starbucks where the ladies oohed and awed at Elijah. I'm used to it now. ;) While we were there we got to really catch up on the majors and minors of the past few days. I don't like that we miss that time, but it was well worth it to have him home this morning. So as we were talking he let me know about some photography options that would hopefully bring some extra cash in. Wouldn't that be nice. quickly started making excuses as to why I'm not good enough to get paid for my work and no one would want my stuff because it doesn't stand out from every other photographer, there's got to be at least 20 people that I know that are aspiring photographers. Lame. So what sets me apart? Why would some one want to come to me? Other than the fact that I am a friend and it's convenient. So there's the challenge, find out a way to be unique. Get my stuff out there and don't be afraid of criticism! Wow, what a concept.
So, this afternoon I was able to go to a friends house who was putting together floral arrangements for a friends wedding on Saturday. She is hoping to start a flower business and provide some beautiful pieces for weddings, etc. So my job was to try to capture the beauty of her work for her future website. Sweet! My favorite photos happen to be floral photos, I don't know why, I just love to shoot them. So I hope that she enjoys what I did and that this could bring some confidence to myself and force me to get my photos out there. So here are a few photos I took, I hope you enjoy them. :)

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