Saturday, April 05, 2008


Well Spring has sprung and all the excitement that comes with it it has not failed to grace us with its presence. We have had the joy of being able to take Elijah to the beach as well as to Joshua Tree, one trip was wonderful and everyone had a great time, the other... not quite the same outcome. Taking Elijah to the beach was one of the most exciting experiences. We often forget about our first impression of a new thing because we were too young to actually remember the experience. Well, having a child kind of helps you to relive those things. The moment his feet touched that mud and watched the water slowly creeping away he had a huge smile on his face, then it turned into an uncertainty of what was going to happen next. I held onto to him as we slowly walked closer to the shore line in order for him to actually feel the ocean on his tiny baby feet. As Kirk was taking pictures of us we smiled and tip toed closer. Knowing that the San Diego beaches don't have the warmest of waters (this isn't Hawaii after all) I didn't want to shock him, so I tried to ease him is as slowly as I possibly could while looking at an anxious father with the camera held tightly and ready to shoot at any moment. The tide finally came in and Elijah loved it! His little feet sank into the sand as the water drifted back out and so we became a little more adventurous since Elijah didn't start screaming. The next step belonged to daddy. So I took my place as designated photographer and waited to see what step Kirk would take with my precious little boy. I knew in my head exactly what was going to happen, but wanted Kirk to have his moment with his son. We got our photo op and then Kirk started to walk closer and closer to the water, the next thing I know, Kirk is sitting Elijah down in the mud. Not a big deal right? Well, sure, but if you would have seen that water coming in you would be just as nervous as I was anticipating what was coming next. Now I may be a paranoid mom, but that ok, I get to be. :) The water finally came in and Elijah was waist deep in sea water... screaming! That cold water did not agree with him at all. I have to admit, it was a little funny and Kirk immediately took him out, but not before I got some awesome shots of his tight little fist and red face. After that we dried him off in his towel and held onto him to comfort him. We sat at the beach for a little while longer so I could take a few more shots and so Elijah could enjoy the sea breeze and sunlight. I'm sure the next time we go out there he will understand what he's getting into a little better. :)
Now as for Joshua Tree... oh Joshua Tree. I remember Joshua Tree from when I was much younger, my step dad took me to go rock climbing and it was one of the best experiences I've ever had. Well, I can't say poor Elijah had one of those experiences. We were all set to go, camera ready, water bottles filled, sun screen applied. we put Elijah in the hiking backpack and set off to do a little hiking. Well that day just happened to be pretty windy and the higher up we climbed, the more and more windy it got. Poor Elijah could not find his breath, so the walk was short lived... but again, not over before I got some great photos of him. He looked so darn cute in his new hat and camo tee shirt. We had driven that far to get out there so it wasn't like we were going to just turn around and head back home. Plus we had my dad, brother and his girlfriend with us. So poor little Elijah had to sit in his car seat while I went out to take pictures and daddy got to sit with him. Kirk got to take a break every so often as my dad watched Elijah as well as my brothers girlfriend. I got some great shots while we were there, but was slightly bummed at the lack of newly bloomed flowers. Oh well, maybe our next trip. Elijah was extremely well behaved while he was forced to stay in the truck that had gusts of 0mph, just how he liked it. :) He ended up taking a three hour nap and allowed us to enjoy a picnic and quiet ride home.
I love to experience new adventures with Elijah. It always turns out to be exciting one way or another.
On the personal front, I do believe I hit a wall big time this week. I have not really had a break and neither has Kirk. It's amazing how difficult it is to give all of yourself to two people, one who depends on you for survival and the other who depends on you for companionship. I love everything about my life, my husband and my son, but I have a hard time knowing when I need to take a time out. Well, I think when one is trying to set up a pack and play and doesn't succeed and is doing all they can to hold back tears... that would be the point when you say, no more, time out! Right now is my moment to take a break from cleaning, cooking, taking care of a child and hanging out with my hubby. I don't want to sound ungrateful or like I don't want to be with my family, but God commands us to take a sabbath and I have not been faithful in doing that... at all. My debriefing comes with being alone, reading, writing and taking photos. Today I am able to do 3 of the 4. Praise God that I have a husband who is willing to take care of me when he is just as tired. He works full time, is going to seminary full time and takes care of his home. He deserves as much of a break as I do.
An update on my spiritual walk, well, I have started On The Other Side of The Garden and have also been able to incorporate reading Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers which happens to be one of the best books I have ever read. The person I am reading with has already challenged me on how I can be a better help mate to my husband as well as lead my son. We have incorporated some homework so that we can keep each other accountable in different aspects of our relationships with our husbands as well as the Lord. I really feel like I am turning a corner, so i just pray that I will be able to keep it up. Having an accountability partner in this stage of my life is important. We are also reading with one other dear friend and are anxious to hear what she has been learning so far. God is definitely answering prayers so thank you to those who have been lifting me up.
Well, I believe that's it, my fingers hurt a little. I'm going to get back to some reading and then join my family for dinner. Thank you so much to those who read my blog, it is always encouraging to hear from you.
Also, if you are interested in seeing more of my photos or pictures of Elijah, here is the website.
Love to you all.
~LYNZ~ :)

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